
School Council

The newly appointed School Councillors held their first meeting this week. First on the agenda was which charity to support this year. All suggestions are welcome. 
St Breock families, once again, thank you all so much for your generous donations for harvest. The Food Bank collected them this week and were delighted. 
Congratulations to our new School Council for 2023/24. 
The children have been busy filling in their manifestos over this half term, followed by voting for their Class Reps 2023/2024.
Once again, St Breock families you have done yourselves proud. Just look at all of the donations for the Christmas boxes that the Food Bank collected on Tuesday. They were thrilled and passed on their thanks to you all. Happy Christmas everyone.
Thank you once again for your support in the latest event. The children all enjoyed arriving at  school in their house colours. A whopping £164.98 was raised.
Wow ! What a fantastic response the School Council have had with our Fun Firework Activity. Over 100 entries. Thank you to everyone that supported our idea and we hope you all had fun.
This morning the School Council delivered all of the generous donations that were brought into school for Harvest to The Food Bank in Wadebridge. Thank you to everyone who donated to this worthy cause.

What does our School Council do?

Our School Council plays an important part in helping to run the school. We hold elections every year and every child has an opportunity to put themselves forward for election by preparing a manifesto. Elections take place in class with a presentation from candidates, an opportunity for questions and a vote. The elected members represent their class at Council Meetings. Our School Council board in our main corridor details all the achievements that have been made possible by the School Council.

2021/22 was  a very busy time for the School Council.
The year started with the School Council representing St Breock by attending the Remembrance Sunday Parade.
A new charity was chosen for the year -which was Help the Homeless.
The councillors answered a lot of suggestions from children across the school. These included Census Day meal choices where everyone was able to give suggestions on what they would like to see on the menu in the Bistro on these days. Lots of yummy food was chosen.
Ideas on how to make use of the World Map opposite the Library.The outcome was to have a KS1 and KS2 Holiday Teddy and the children could take the bears away on their travels with them bringing a postcard and a photo back to school and the destination would be noted on the board next to the World Map encouraging the children to find where the bears had been. A name the Teddies vote took place- Ks1 bear is called Biscuit and Ks2 bear is Monty.Come and take a look next time you are in school.
A Marvellous Musician Badge rewarded weekly for children who really stand out in their music lesson.
An Easter Bonnet parade was thought a great idea to end the term on a fun note. The children could enter, design and then make their bonnets at home and wear them to school parading them into the Celebration Assembly. Thank you to Tesco for kindly donating the prizes for this.
So as you can read, a busy, busy year. Well done to you all- we are very proud of you, thank you for your hard work.
The start of a new academic year brings excitement as children take home manifestos to complete saying why they would be a good candidate to become a School Councillor. The process for this is very child based  from the start. Once all manifestos are returned, the children share them with the rest of their class. A secret vote is then taken place and new School Councillors nominated. They are awarded their School Council badges in our Celebration Assembly. 
Congratulations to our new School Councillors for 2022/23. We are all looking forward to our first meeting soon. We are sure you will have a very busy year with lots of exciting things planned.
The School Council attended their first meeting today. Lots of things were discussed. I think its going to be another busy year.
This week the School Council had their first meeting altogether as a whole group since the start of Covid 19. A lot of things were discussed as all of  the class representatives had some great ideas for this term. Listen out for some very exciting events taking place soon.

St Breock Primary School
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